
Prepositions story

Task for May 23rd:
Write a short story using at least 40 of the prepositions of the list.

Teacher's answer: 9.5 + Excellent! See! You know your prepositions!

As the phone rang, I jumped up and hit my head against the ceiling. I jumped into my clothes and raced towards the phone, but by the time I got to the kitchen and picked it up, it stopped ringing. After that, I wanted to take a shower, so I strode out of the kitchen, through the corridor, and reached the bathroom. I looked for a towel and took one from the wardrobe, and when I was about to turn the shower on I remebered I was going to get the pipes repaired and that water couldn't be used till the week after that. In spite of that, I was still in a good mood. Before finding out that my TV wasn't working, I tried to turn it on several times. Apart from that, I realized I had been feeling hungry since I woke up, and because of that, I decided to turn round and go across the living room, into the kitchen. Inside of the fridge, I found an old piece of bread on top of an empty ice-cream box with a little bug in it. By the time I closed the fridge, I was no longer feeling hungry, I was sarting to get bored. I looked around, wondering what to do next, when I saw a picture of my friend, Ben, which was above the cupboard. According to my mom, he is like a brother to me. That's true, we get along so well, we're kind of soul mates. In the picture, he was smiling. In addition to that, he was wearing a brown sweater over his usual blue T-shirt. He was also holding a blue cap between his elbow and hip. I started paying attention to the papers behind the portrait. Under the title "Nutrition pyramid" were the foods mum bought, except for the eggs, which she got from another store. Despite the lack of food in my fridge, I started feeling hungry again. In regards to my breakfast, I get along with Ben so well I decided to have it at his house.

Note from the author: [ Bare in mind this was the second or third actual writing of the year, and I needed -and still need- to learn a lot. Also, English is not my native language, we study it at school and, for those who were wondering, I've been studying English for over 12 years, and I'm 14! ]
Well, I copied it from the actual paper as accurately as I could, it was very hard for me not to fix all the mistakes I found... Like "Oh, this could be written this other way... Better, write this that other way...".
And now that I'm reading it half an year after it was written, it's a rather silly story, but I have an excuse: I didn't like prepositions -still don't like them- and didn't really want to write with them...
I promise the next entries will be a lot better than this one, for my writing style got better as I wrote more frequently.

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